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This is mobile of sweet, little baby animals with stars suspended above them.

 Why Early Education Matters

In the first five years of life, a child’s brain develops at a faster pace than during any other time. It is during these early years that children's experiences form the building blocks for all future learning.




diapers and pull-ups for ECE providers and the community through our partnership with the Diaper Bank of CT

ECE paid-training hour

in grant funding for providers since 2020

A young lady of CERCLE member Motherly Luv Too in New Haven displaying a picture she painted inspired by children's book author Eric Carle's The Hungry Caterpillar.
This is a red arrow directing the visitor to travel through our site.  This is not a button but a graphic,

Get into the

Improved outcomes for Black and Latino children are at the heart of everything we do. They are the driving force behind our commitment to systemic change.  Explore ways you can  join us!

This is a graphic of the organization's name CERCLE in bold white letters.
This is a graphic of the organization's name.  It is written in a white and bold font.
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