Hope For New Haven and CERCLE were selected to manage $1.6 million in ARPA funds on behalf of the City of New Haven in support of workforce development for early childhood educators in the City.
The grant is part of a citywide initiative to invest in successful educational outcomes for young children by increasing the number of educators in the classroom and improving learning environments of early childhood programs.
Over the next three years, CERCLE will make funding available to individuals and organizations investing in the professional growth and development of teachers.
Dates To Remember
Virtual Information Session: November 1, 2023
Application submission period: October 30, 2023 to December 10, 2023
Grant review period: November 2023 to January 2024
Award notification and initial funding: January 2024 to February 2024
Final report due: 30 calendar days after project/activity end date
Need some one-on-one assistance with our team? Sign up to meet with us during our office hours on the following dates and times:
Thursday, November 16 at 1-2pm
Monday, November 27 at 6-7pm
The Workforce Development for ECE Grant
Portal is open to submission on
Monday, October 30
Empowering Tomorrow's Educators:
The Impact of CERCLE's Workforce Development for ECE Grant
CERCLE’s Workforce Development for Early Childhood Education (ECE) grant is transforming the future of early childhood education. Our grant program is designed to support future educators in their professional growth and equipping early care providers with the resources needed to excel in today’s dynamic educational environment.
Learn about the impact early care providers have made in our community.
About The Workforce Development for ECE Grant:
Who can apply, funding, and more!
Amount of Award
Based upon the proposed project/activity and the availability of funding.
Eligible Applicants
There are two paths to qualify for funding, depending upon your type of business.
Track 1: Early Care and Education Providers (including center-based, group-home, family child care programs) that are:
Located in the City of New Haven OR if not located in New Haven, your program can document that at least 50% of the children currently served are residents of the City;
Have an active early childhood license in good standing from the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood (OEC) OR is a license-exempt program;
Currently open and serving children;
Non-profit or for-profit organization; and
Not currently receiving services from OEC’s AQIS (Accreditation Quality Improvement Support)
Track 2: Workforce Developers and Trainers that:
Have a history of providing professional and workforce development training to early childhood education businesses; and
Are non-profit or for-profit organizations
What We Fund
Grants will be awarded to meet the varied professional development needs of the early care and education (ECE) workforce, such as:
Securing funding to recruit, hire and train new ECE staff
Assist in the annual cost of program consultants
Supporting executive, administrative and teaching staff attendance at ECE conferences
Providing and or delivering ECE for-credit courses, designed to help staff achieve the Office of Early Childhood’s qualified staff member (QSM) requirements
Providing and or delivering professional development designed to meet the Office of Early Childhood, NAEYC and or NAFCC training requirement
Providing and or delivering technical assistance to ECE programs to create an Elevate or Organization Professional Development Implementation plan
Developing and or implementing ECE teacher apprentice programs
How to Apply
The application period begins on Monday, October 30, 2023 and closes on Sunday, December 10, 2023. Only completed applications that are submitted by the deadline will be considered for funding. Requests for funding shall include:
Online application (available in English or Spanish)
Budget and narrative justification
Certificate of Liability Insurance
Certificate of Good Standing (CT Secretary of State)
Status Letter/Letter of Good Standing (CT Department of Revenue Services)​​
Other Funding Opportunities
The ARPA fund also designated resources to other organizations such as the United Way of Greater New Haven that are dedicated to broadening the horizons of Connecticut children and families. For more information about their grant opportunities and upcoming informational sessions, visit www.uwgnh.org/ecegrants.
Contact Information
Questions? Contact us at workforcegrant@ctcercle.org.